SIBE edition
Digital Leadership and Artifical Intelligence
Klaus Mainzer
This book is an introduction and summary of the topic of artificial intelligence. Our everyday life at work, at home and in our leisure time is already determined everywhere by AI functions. Smartphones that talk to us, wristwatches that remind us of our health data, work processes that organize themselves automatically, cars, airplanes and drones that control themselves, traffic and energy systems with autonomous logistics or mobile robots in companies and medicine are technical examples of a networked world of intelligent systems. Today, the focus is primarily on machine learning, whose algorithms work with the methods of statistical learning. The automation of financial and commodity chains (e.g. block chain), decision software and social scoring is becoming an increasing challenge for business and politics. In the future, the innovative strength of a country will depend on its AI potentials. However, the goal should also be norms, certificates and standards of AI, which have always ensured the quality of technology. Therefore, this book pleads for technology development: AI must prove itself as a service in society.
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