SIBE edition
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The subject Leadership has many facets, which we address on this portal by providing in-depth material for you. As a university, we place particular emphasis on scientific research and are convinced that a challenging exploration of such a topic generally promotes critical thinking. Because as you will notice, some contents are controversially discussed. Besides the presentation of research results, you will also find prepared facts on these pages, which we want to bring closer to you in the form of various graphics, texts or videos.
In order to depict our fast-paced world, the information is continuously scrutinized and, if necessary, replaced by new findings. This way you will always be up to date! And if you are missing a topic that you would like to see represented here, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to receiving your suggestions and ideas.
We hope you enjoy reading!
1 Leadership. Education. Personality.
The future viability of our modern society depends to a large extent on the ability to transform innovative ideas into value-creating reality. To achieve this goal in a complex and dynamic world, leadership, education and personality must work together in a harmonious triad.
This book addresses the question of what leadership means in times of constant change and global challenges. According to the basic understanding of transfer-oriented and interdisciplinary leadership research and practice, good leadership is inseparably linked to the formation of personality. The authors provide concrete answers to the questions why successful leadership depends on personality and how future-oriented education can actively contribute to personal and performance development. In order to present the necessary paradigm shift within current leadership education in its full scope, the topic is examined from various perspectives by means of numerous scientific studies.
2 Leadership Performance
This book presents four basic models for management and leadership. Mental models are the way we understand the world. Not only do they shape what we think and how we understand the world, but they also shape the connections and opportunities we see. A mental model is simply a representation of how something works. We cannot keep all the details of the world in our brain, so we use models to simplify the complex into understandable and organizable pieces. The quality of our thinking is proportional to the models in our brains and their usefulness in a given situation. The more models you have – the bigger your toolbox – the more likely you are to have the right models to see reality. It turns out that when it comes to improving your decision-making ability, diversity is important.
In this textbook, the authors present four basic mental models that make management and leadership more comprehensible. On the other hand, these models provide the reader with a fundamental starting point from which to plan his or her own learning journey into management and leadership.
3 Leadership Competency
This book puts an end to the illusion that every successful employee, no matter how successful, can develop into a leader, into a manager, provided that he has enough years of service and sufficient experience. Not the one who knows the most can lead best. Knowledge is not competence. Only the manager who has the necessary personal, activity-related, technical-methodical and social-communicative competencies will become a real leader. Only this person will lead the company and its employees to the highest possible performance.
But what is behind the frequently used, not always understood terms leadership, performance, competence? Which facts, which values are behind them? How are leadership, performance and competence recorded, measured and managed? Based on our own research and many practical experiences in companies and organizations, we provide well-founded and verified answers.
4 Digital Leadership and Artifical Intelligence
This book is an introduction and summary of the topic of artificial intelligence. Our everyday life at work, at home and in our leisure time is already determined everywhere by AI functions. Smartphones that talk to us, wristwatches that remind us of our health data, work processes that organize themselves automatically, cars, airplanes and drones that control themselves, traffic and energy systems with autonomous logistics or mobile robots in companies and medicine are technical examples of a networked world of intelligent systems. Today, the focus is primarily on machine learning, whose algorithms work with the methods of statistical learning. The automation of financial and commodity chains (e.g. block chain), decision software and social scoring is becoming an increasing challenge for business and politics. In the future, the innovative strength of a country will depend on its AI potentials. However, the goal should also be norms, certificates and standards of AI, which have always ensured the quality of technology. Therefore, this book pleads for technology development: AI must prove itself as a service in society.
5 Ethical Leadership
Since the financial crises and other business scandals – e.g. the emission scandal of Volkswagen – ethical questions seems to become more important in the economic world – also when it comes to (business) leadership and leadership education in general. Questions like “what could leaders of organizations or companies could have made different?” or “are there ethical aspects for the organization leaders to act different?” raises. This became an ongoing debate about ethical aspects in the economic world and leadership. As a main reaction to this debate e.g. ethical courses were established in many (business) schools and new theoretical approaches was published and discussed. But the most normative discussions of leadership are bound to neoclassic paradigm or only reaches the surface of the special role of leadership in everyday life practice.
Leadership ethics and also ethical understanding as a leader needs a wider framework and to discuss the connection to philosophical approaches and basics in an adequate way. These book wants to describe the missing aspects of the standard view of leadership ethics and argue that a better ethical understanding and foundation is necessary. Therefore, it steps back and concentrate on the most important ethical models and argue for a deontic view within leadership ethics. Normative foundations should not be seen as side effects to business or leaders and this gives reasons to develop an adequate understanding of leadership ethics. In explaining the special role as a leader in all affected spheres, a conceptual grounding for a more specific leadership definition is developed and translated into a normative holistic model.
This book gives an overview and systematic introduction in leadership ethics and the relevant ethical models, as well as additional information and further literature through queer links. Within this introduction a new approach of leadership and leadership ethics will be developed as an ethical, reasonable and responsible way of creating the future through innovation and with noting the importance of the society as a whole. Being sustainable and acting in an autonomous, reasonable and responsible way needs to play a central role for leaders and is not incompatible with how economic markets should function.
6 Leadership. Transformation. Innovation.
The future is also a business matter too. In contrast to other business matters, however, it is not yet managed as successfully and methodically as traditional business functions. This comprehensive introduction to entrepreneurial futurology therefore provides all the necessary basics of strategic foresight. Each of the three phases of the foresight process (scanning, foresight, transfer) is covered in detail. Readers are given an overview of the more than 30 methods of futurology. A special focus is placed on the scenario technique. Using many practical examples, the authors also show how today’s decision-makers in all organizations can systematically develop future scenarios and transfer them to their own organizational context. Readers thus acquire the future competence that can make a decisive contribution to the future at many interfaces in and to organizations: Strategy, controlling and consulting, leadership and transformation, innovation and risk management, marketing and communication.
7 Leadership and Futures Research
Innovation – this term is used in an almost inflationary way, especially in management literature. Innovation – so the open secret – is the best and most sustainable way to more competitiveness, to more profit and turnover and more of everything in general.
But aside from this naïve enthusiasm for progress and an uncritical cult around the term „innovation“, these questions must be asked: What does progress really achieve? What is the new actually worth? Does an innovation make everything better or just different?
In the present work, a new greatness is to be established, in which the value and valence of the new is expressed. We call this variable: Innovation Quality or InQ for short.
8 Leadership and Sustainability
„Are our decisions, now I’m going to go far, grand-suited, or at least suitable for?“ (Angela Merkel, CDU, 31.05.2016, Annual Conference of the Council for Sustainable Development, Berlin)
It has been known for some time that we need a sustainably developed society. This requires sustainable managers. But why do we need them now?
Because otherwise it will be too late! In times of upheaval, marked by the advancing globalization and the continuing change of digitalization, we have to face the consequences and changes have to be made – in society, politics and economy.
The first aim of this book is to show the consequences of globalisation and digitisation. What are the consequences for the environment and people? Climate change, famine and environmental disasters are the result of an economic boom that hachildrens long been at the expense of the environment. Counteraction by today’s leaders is essential if we are to bequeath an intact living space to future generations. This book addresses the question of how to shape sustainable leadership, which is the only way to ensure a prosperous and sustainable society.