


Über uns














Stellen bei der SIBE










Innovation Projects


Innovation Projects


Internationale Märkte






Allgemeine Projekte










Employer Branding






Future Foresight






M.Sc. International Management – SIBE-Management-Master


German-US-Dual-Degree (M.Sc./MBA)


M.Sc. in Digital Leadership


Dual Program Innovation Management – MBA General Management & Quantum Diploma


International Rail Management


LL.M. in International Business Law


Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)














Studierende & Alumni




Für Gründer


Benefits & Netzwerke













„Many new aspects about management, leadership, and myself.“

13. November 2018
Redaktion SIBE


Finally, after two years, I have successfully completed the M.A./MBA program at SIBE.

The last few months I have been busy writing my Master’s Thesis and preparing for the Final Exam.

I have done many analyses in regard to my management project, I implemented my findings in my daily business and evaluated actual results. Not always everything goes as planned, but that is also part of the learning process. Mistakes aren’t bad, they bring you closer to a solution. During all the time, my business mentor has supported me, given me advice, and challenged my ideas and approaches.

Also, during the writing phase of the Master’s Thesis I was always in close contact with my supervisor. Together with him, I worked out a detailed writing schedule, to make sure that the Master’s Thesis is finished in time with enough room for rechecking. In retrospect, I wouldn’t say that writing the Master’s Thesis was easy, but with the Management Project Papers (MPP) I had worked on during the studies some information, data, and literature I needed were already available, which was an immense help.

After I had submitted the Master’s Thesis all that was left for me was the Final Exam, which is an Oral Examination during which I had to defend my thesis. SIBE offered two options: Doing it online or doing it on ground at the SIBE headquarters in Herrenberg. I decided on the latter and did it directly in front of the examination committee. My first examiner, who lives overseas, participated via Webex. After this approximately one hour long discussion, I had finally successfully finished the M.A./MBA program.

Over the last year of the studies me and my study colleagues became a lot closer. We kept in touch consistently via Skype, telephone, and WhatsApp. Furthermore, we even organized a collective meeting in middle Germany. Even though we were in close contact already, it was also nice to meet each other face to face.


What can I take out of these two years now?

Mostly, I noticed that my endurance in regard to workload and stress has been heightened. Studying and working simultaneously is, even if doable, not an easy task at times and requires self-organization and discipline. This was particularly challenging at the beginning of the program. But it got easier once I found my rhythm. Another benefit for me is the development of my competency in applying the knowledge I learned. Facing new business challenges and solving problems is my daily work.

My last step to close this chapter now is attending the graduation in spring 2019. I am looking forward to seeing my fellow students and the members of SIBE’s faculty again. This has been two busy yet exciting years, in which I have experienced many new aspects about management, leadership, and myself.


Where will my journey go next?

Right now I am preparing for my doctor thesis on digital leadership. In early 2019, I will also do the PMI exam to have my project management skills certified.


You can find the first M.A./MBA (USA) diary in German here.

You can find the second M.A./MBA (USA) diary here.

Christopher Hecker, M.A.

M.A./MBA (USA)-graduate

Academic Junior Consultant – Online Programs






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