Overall, the LL.M. program has been very interesting and inspiring for me. On the one hand, the study content was very relevant for my current AML/Regulatory Compliance career, especially the Corporate Law courses. For instance, due to the courses‘ highly practice-oriented materials, I could easily understand any legal/tax rationales behind choosing a particular company form, which is essential in compliance. In addition to that, by studying corporate governance with a focus on the duties of directors, I understood more about the activities of my employer, which provides various corporate and directorship services. On top of that, I found the weekly discussions within the classes very engaging. In one case, I had to research Luxembourg’s legal framework and compare it against the German and Austrian ones. This was very beneficial for me and my future career since I learned about the most relevant local laws and regulations.
On the other hand, this Master’s program made me explore new areas of interest, such as Litigation & ADR and Private International Law. I have started considering rethinking my career choices in the near future and possibly pursuing a qualification as a local lawyer in Luxembourg. I have come to realize that law is what drives me, and this LL.M. program has helped me a lot to acknowledge this. Thank you once again for everything.