I had 3 entrepreneurship attempts which 2 of which totally failed, and the third one didn’t make sense for me after all. I moved to Estonia from Iran and started a new business, which shocked me to see how different the EU business ecosystem is from Iran. I could see the lack of experience and knowledge in the business area, so I needed both. SIBE offers these two factors well coupled together in the heart of the European industrial ecosystem, Germany; for me, this was an answer. Now, after graduation, I emphasize my decision. Currently, I keep learning management in the company that I work for, but I also work on my own startup with opened business eyes!
It was challenging for me because I was new in Germany, but I appreciate the SIBE crew for fully supporting me in coping with all those hardships. Thair patience and step-by-step support played a significant role in my success in the other stages of study. I will describe the SIBE crew as being professional, responsible, and result-oriented people. After six months, I could find the balance and proper timing, but it was not easy but worth it.