“Before joining SIBE, one of my biggest worries was that I wouldn’t have that typical „Uni experience” since everything is online. Nevertheless, I saw the opportunity the Course had to offer and the fact that by the end of the course I would have not one but two master’s degrees, as well as two years of valuable work experience. I figured the social aspect would somehow work itself out. We started off with a very small class and have grown quite a bit over the last few months. The communication with my peers through the discussion boards ensures our regular topic related academic exchange. Since, I did not want to spend the next two years completely without a student community and I was quite sure that I was not the only one who felt this way. I started off by creating a WhatsApp group so that we could get to know each other better. We used this tool because it was the easiest solution to have an informal chat across our different time zones. I realised we understand each other’s struggle quite well. We are all going through the similar experience of trying to juggle work, University and the management project as well as everything else in our personal life and I found that by just talking to each other I didn’t feel so alone anymore. My fellow students and I have made the effort to build our own unique “University experience”, I am so happy that I have my small, diverse, multitalented group of MAMBA fighters to share this experience with.”