Management of growth and globalisation. Best Practice. Volume 2
Werner G. Faix, Annette Schulten, Ardin Djalali, Claus-Peter Hammer, Christine Golisch (Hrsg.)

Successful companies actively address the challenges of growth, globalisation, competitiveness and securing the future with innovations. Innovations for new products and services, innovations to open up new markets, innovations to design new organisational structures, innovations to build new sources and suppliers of raw materials and sub-products, and innovations for new, more competitive business processes. Innovations are the decisive factors for success. This requires concrete goals, successful projects and action-competent and committed employees and managers.
The authors of this book offer an insight into innovative projects and best practices that have been realised as part of the SiemensMBA Project Competence Study Program of the School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) at Steinbeis University Berlin and Siemens Professional Education. Management of growth and globalisation is thus illustrated by means of concrete projects from entrepreneurial practice.
“You have to rely on innovations and people in order to shape the future successfully” “I see one essential reason for the rapid flourishing of our factories in the fact that the objects of our production were largely based on our own inventions. Even if these were not protected by patents in most cases, they always gave us a lead over our competitors, which then usually lasted until we gained another lead through new improvements. However, this could only have a lasting effect as a result of the reputation for reliability and quality that our products enjoyed throughout the world. Werner von Siemens (1816 – 1892)
Category | Description |
ISBN | 978-3938062241 |
Info | 2008 / 830 S., Deutsch |