Quality Management
Our understanding of quality
SIBE quality policy
Education can never be brought to the learner from the outside, it can only be supported. According to SIBE, it cannot and should not, therefore, be the task of an educational institution to deliver education to the learner as a finished product; rather, it is the task of an educational institution to create equal opportunity conditions and opportunities under which learners acquire knowledge and experience in order to form themselves. The quality of the project-competence studies and the associated recognition of the degree in practice, therefore, depend directly on the understanding of learning and performance and the willingness to learn and perform on the part of the teachers, the business mentors, the study organization, and above all the students. Learning and achievement goals can only be achieved in partnership between these parties.
SIBE students are expected to excel in this area and are therefore encouraged to do so. They are seen as mature and responsible representatives of good university education. They share responsibility for the quality and reputation of their university. In order to maintain and develop this, they are invited to regular quality feedback and can, for example, take on a responsible role as student representatives. People who work in, with, and at SIBE engage consciously, openly, and constructively with all the opportunities and challenges that studying at SIBE offers. In doing so, the people who work in, with, and at the SIBE strive to act morally as well as solution-oriented in order to continuously and comprehensively improve and change education at SIBE in the best Schumpeterian sense.
SIBE became a member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) in June 2019. By becoming a member, SIBE is expanding its quality network and thus underscoring the high-quality standards it places on its own education and research in an international context.
SIBE’s quality policy has been defined by the management together within the framework of theCode of Ethics Values. Education. Code of Ethics (2012) formulated. This document is available to all students and, through them, to the company providing the project (business mentors), as well as to the staff and lecturers of the SIBE, and is to be regarded as the basis for all actions. The quality policy is reflected in the definition of the SIBE-wide quality objectives, which are then transferred to the individual departments.
The quality objectives of the SIBE are primarily based on the three pillars of the Experience Based Curriculum (EBC), the study concept of the SIBE:
1. Project = Employability
SIBE’s main objective in terms of quality is to ensure that theory and practice are closely interlinked. The idea of transfer is of fundamental importance and has a lasting influence on the study concept. The transfer-oriented EBC ensures a high level of professional qualification or qualification for specialist and initial management tasks in the companies in which the students are already employed. It stands both for a method of modern teaching and for an important goal of every course of study at SIBE. Transfer-oriented innovative projects in companies or other organizations are an integral part of the course, whereby the practice-oriented curriculum is supplemented by the independent solution of technical or business problems.
In addition to the legal requirements of the university, all the seminar contents presented must be measured against the test bench of the transfer and thus against the development of competency. The real projects from business practice, which form the basis for research-based learning and project learning for the study programs, decide on the question of how successful the concepts developed by the students actually are. In order to do justice to this claim, SIBE endeavors to promote and promote close interaction between SIBE and the cooperation companies involved. This is made possible by a large number of systematically planned contacts, such as visits to SIBE companies, specialist presentations, and other events, as well as spontaneous telephone calls from the study or program managers to their business mentors.
In principle, all SIBE employees are of course available as contact persons for students and business mentors (company-side supervisors of the students). Through this direct and regular contact between students, SIBE and companies, the learning success is controlled and successful project work is ensured.
2. Competency = Management competency
3. Study and education = Professional and methodological competency
The quality of studies and teaching is given very high priority at SIBE. This is sustainably ensured in terms of content, methodology, and organization and is constantly being further developed. The development and refinement of study programs are carried out at SIBE on the basis of defined quality standards. Regular review and development of these standards ensure that the study program meets these quality standards at all times.
The selection of lecturers is subject to qualitative requirements which ensure that only lecturers with suitable qualifications and motivation are employed. Great importance is attached to a high scientific as well as to a high transfer and practical relevance of the lecturers. As a result, both SIBE’s own professors and part-time lecturers are very close to business practice in addition to their scientific profile, which is essential when conducting the EBC as a link between academic education and practical work in companies.
The quality standard of teaching is ensured by the lecturer selection process and, to a large extent, by the lecturer evaluation.
Further quality objectives of the SIBE
Study programs
The programs at SIBE are essentially oriented towards the subject areas of management sciences and economics. The aim is to further expand the wide range of high-quality study programs with different focal points. In addition to the qualitative requirements, the focus is on developing study programs that are state of the art in terms of content and are internationally oriented. n this way, students are provided with a high-quality, internationally recognized, and oriented education that lays the foundation for a professional career in a managerial function. In regular evaluations, students, business mentors, and alumni are asked to evaluate the study programs offered by the SIBE.
Internationality is promoted at SIBE in two areas. Firstly, when recruiting lecturers, special attention is paid to gradually expanding the pool of English-speaking (ideally native speakers) and internationally experienced lecturers. Due to the secured and increasing proportion of English-speaking lecturers, it is possible that in the study program M.Sc. in International Management program can achieve a workload of around 40% of English-language seminars, including the associated certificates of achievement. The MBA in General Management program has been offered entirely in English since 2014. The online program M.A. in General Management is also conducted 100% in English.
However, internationality is also ensured by the continuous expansion of cooperation with leading partner universities outside Germany. Students are thus given the opportunity to get to know an international market on the spot and to inform themselves directly about the current situation and framework conditions of the economy and society. Specific company and management philosophies, as well as production methods, can be directly experienced in numerous company visits. SIBE also cooperates with the U.S. Post University as part of the M.A. in General Management online course. Various courses take place on Post University’s online platform, where they are attended jointly by SIBE and Post University students.
Service orientation
In order to satisfy the customers of the SIBE, the students as well as the project-giving companies, a high degree of service orientation is required from all employees and lecturers. This is ensured by subjecting not only the core processes (business processes) but also the support processes (service processes) to continuous process optimization. In particular, the evaluations of the various regular evaluations are taken into account, as is the feedback from students, lecturers, and project companies in personal discussions.
SIBE is financed exclusively by program fees. As a result, the principles of entrepreneurial and economic action are lived out by the SIBE itself. Customer orientation and the associated service concept, therefore, shape the way in which SIBE employees interact with their respective stakeholders.
Process orientation of the SIBE
In order to shape the quality awareness of every employee in the long term, a process-oriented working method was introduced as a first step. Each department is required to document the work processes for which it is responsible. This documentation is based on a uniform structure for the core processes of study and teaching.
Behind each process, there is a clearly defined responsible person or team. The documented processes are binding for every SIBE employee and are decisive as working instructions for daily activities. They also form the basis for process reviews within the framework of various audits and map the phases of the quality control loop.
The process structure of SIBE is divided into three levels: management processes (FP), core processes (KP) and support processes (SP). At the moment, the quality management system only covers the core processes of studying and teaching. Following the life cycle approach, the life cycle of a study program maps the core processes in its course, starting with the development of study programs, followed by the implementation of study programs, the monitoring of study programs and the further development of study programs.
Our quality management system
Quality management process
SIBE’s quality management system is based on a standardized quality control cycle that is applied to every process and follows the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) system. The quality management process consists of regularly repeated actions that ensure the functionality of the quality management system. The quality control loop is divided into the following four phases:
Quality planning
In order to ensure and continuously develop the quality of the study program, sustainable planning of the quality objectives is carried out with the involvement of the relevant stakeholders and taking into account the initial situation. The process definitions and target values created during the planning phase (plan) form the basis for the decisions and actions of those responsible in all processes. The following specifications are essential here:
- Strategic goals of the university
- Strategic goals of the faculty
- Strategic objectives of the study program
- Qualification goals of the study program
- Competency goals of the module
The objectives are set annually on the basis of the process documentation, the qualitative and quantitative requirements, and the strategic quality objectives. The Academic Director, with the participation of those responsible for the program and the staff, takes the initiative and is responsible for this.
Quality control
The implementation of quality planning is basically based on the premise of freedom of teaching and is divided into the following areas:
- Organizational and administrative implementation
- Content and didactic implementation
- Carrying out the relevant processes
This phase of the quality control loop also includes activities both for monitoring the individual processes and for eliminating “disturbance factors”. Wherever possible, control loops are established to automate a continuous improvement process at all levels.
The process managers are responsible for regularly checking whether the defined measures are achieving the planned quality improvement. If the actual state deviates seriously from the target state, further suitable measures must be defined and implemented. Depending on the scope, this is done in accordance with the study program coordinators and/ or the academic managers.
Quality inspection
In order to sustainably develop the content and quality of the study program, a structured quality review is necessary. In order to ensure this, the Quality Team was commissioned by the Academic Management. This staff unit coordinates the quality assurance measures used and implements them as the unit responsible for the process. In particular, the focus is on the processes around studies and teaching, including implementation and the process results.
In order to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the measures and to derive recommendations for action, regular feedback is provided to various target groups.
These are carried out in particular with the involvement of the following actors:
- Students
- Lecturer/Module responsible
- Graduates
- Alumni
- Partner companies
- Advisory Board
- Project-giving companies
The following quality assurance tools will be used to monitor and measure the effectiveness of the measures:
Seminar evaluation
All seminars are evaluated by the students and lead to a continuous seminar evaluation.
Survey of the business mentors/project-giving companies
A company survey is conducted once a year.
Feedback discussions with course speakers
Within the framework of feedback meetings (twice a year) between the course spokespersons (two representatives per study group) on the one hand, the study program management and the study and quality management on the other hand, problems and optimization possibilities are discussed in direct dialog and concrete measures are subsequently adopted.
Survey on graduate retention
Recording the student workload
Identification of the study success
Internal regulatory meetings
Through the comprehensive quality assurance system described above, the study program processes of the study program administration and organization and the study program management are regularly reviewed and further developed.
External consulting
The advisory board, which is made up of representatives of the economy (intersectoral and interdisciplinary), meets once a year. In addition to quality monitoring, its task is to provide advice on qualifications in line with the market.
University-wide benchmarking
The quality status is continuously communicated to the university management. At the conclusion of each study group, an overview of the seminar evaluation results is presented to the Governing Board.
Feedback by the teaching staff
The presence of the head of the study program and/or the study organization at the seminars on-site enables a lively feedback culture with the lecturers.
All stakeholders are involved in the further development of the study program. As described, a systematic and comprehensive evaluation of the study program is carried out on an ongoing basis. The results are evaluated and communicated to those affected. It is also checked whether and to what extent the identified opportunities for improvement have been realized.
Quality gain
The results of the various structured and unstructured feedback, from ongoing business operations, evaluations, and audits are evaluated, analyzed, and provided with possible options for action by the Quality Team. These are then presented to the academic Ddrector who evaluates them and feeds them into the organization.
Actors of the quality management system
The application of quality control loops requires, as shown, the involvement of all SIBE employees involved in the process. In addition to a results-oriented working method, the creativity of each individual is thus to be promoted, the awareness of one’s own responsibility is to be strengthened and commitment and motivation are to be achieved. The following actors are significantly involved in the core processes currently included in the quality management system:
Board of Directors (academic director, administrative director)
Team quality
External audit team
Quality Commission
Headquarter Steinbeis University
Program management
Study management
Faculty management
Instructional Design
Head of study and quality management
Audit committee
Advisory Board
Module supervisor
Monitoring of the quality management system
Internal audits are carried out by the quality team at regular intervals. Process audits are carried out with the aim of achieving a permanent and reliable implementation of the process requirements and the planned process result. In addition to the processes, the properties of the individual study programs and compliance with the specified requirements are also checked within the framework of product audits. In addition to the regular audits according to a fixed cycle, audits can also be carried out in addition to the fixed dates if required. After the evaluation and analysis of the audit results, the performing auditor prepares proposals for a list of measures. Short-term measures are discussed and implemented directly with the responsible managers in order to ensure maximum customer satisfaction at all times.
Further development of the quality management system
Quality Report
In the SIBE quality report, which is published annually, current student statistics, as well as evaluation results from the respective calendar year, are published. In addition, measures implemented on the basis of evaluations and further developments from the study programs and the quality management of SIBE of the respective reporting period are presented and an outlook is given for the following year.
Quality Report 2023
Quality Report 2022
Quality Report 2021
Quality Report 2020
Quality Report 2019