The transfer of theory into practice is of central importance in the education of SIBE’s Master’s students, as this teaching concept ensures optimal preparation for corporate practice. Accordingly, when selecting lecturers, the faculty management ensures that both representatives from academia and representatives from practice are integrated into the curriculum. The contact persons of the faculty management also support the lecturers in organizational and didactic matters of the teaching activities and thus contribute to the implementation of the transfer concept.

The Steinbeis University and thus the courses offered by SIBE are state-recognized. Under the umbrella of Steinbeis University, SIBE is also the first school to successfully complete the system accreditation process. Learn more about the accreditation of our Master’s programs and about the system accreditation of SIBE.

The Quality Team ensures and sustainably enhances the quality of SIBE. Objective audits of the study programs and compliance with the defined standards and specifications are carried out on a regular basis. The basis for this is the SIBE’s quality-management manual, as well as extensive documentation and process definitions, which ensure the quality of our study programs in the long term. Compliance with our standards is regularly checked and ensured by means of various quality assurance measures such as internal and external audits and a large number of evaluations. Our quality management system ensures that our degree programs continue to evolve.
Partner universities
Internationality is a central component of all study programs at SIBE. Therefore, the graduate school for Leadership & Management maintains numerous co-operations with universities in various countries around the world. In addition, SIBE is continuously working to expand this international network, which is beneficial to students, alumni and companies as well.