Strategic foresight: profit for companies
All organizations are now aware of the importance of strategic foresight – but only a few have used its tools to date: scenario planning, trend radar or Delphi studies, to name just three of over 40 tried-and-tested tools.
The benefits for the future competency of every organization are immediately noticeable when these techniques are used: risks and opportunities are identified more comprehensively, earlier and more precisely, investments are sustainably secured and put on the road to success, industry disruptions are mitigated or significantly better mastered and far-reaching strategies are put on a solid footing.
The SIBE Think Tank has been a reliable and proven partner of numerous business and municipal organizations for all strategic foresight projects for many years: pragmatic, customer-centric and, above all, scientifically sound. We also ensure that the methodological knowledge gained during a project remains in the organization after the project – for sustainable benefits and the strategic safeguarding of your success in the future. Today’s success is good – future success is better.

In 2020, SIBE conducted a study on the future of the European generics and biosimilars industry in cooperation with Pro Generika e.V., the German generics industry lobby group. The study contained 12 future hypotheses, so-called projections, which could occur by 2030. These were formulated in advance of the study and evaluated by 61 experts with regard to their plausibility and discussed in writing in more than 800 text contributions (Delphi survey).
The projections cover various topics and raise various questions, which were answered by the Delphi experts. In the further analysis, 36 factors (so-called opportunities) were identified that promise particularly high potential for success in the future. These are innovations, existing prototypes, new business models – but also political developments.
Based on the Delphi survey and extensive environmental analyses, four possible future scenarios have emerged that provide a picture of what the supply of pharmaceuticals could look like in 2030 and beyond. Based on this, generics and biosimilars companies will find options for action that can provide impetus for their own future.
In cooperation with Eurac Research in South Tyrol, SIBE conducted a study in 2020 on the future of South Tyrol in 2030. The study was commissioned by the provincial governor, coordinated with the South Tyrolean provincial government and with the support of a 20-member interdisciplinary advisory board. The future study focuses in particular on the topic of sustainability. At the heart of the study are four equivalent scenarios.
Based on the study, the new provincial tourism development concept 2030+ – “Ambition Living Space South Tyrol. On the way to a new tourism culture” was developed. The Provincial Tourism Concept 2030+ provides an overview of the current situation of tourism in South Tyrol, shows an outlook and a desirable development for 2030+ and formulates specific tourism governance recommendations for a sustainable, landscape-friendly and balanced development of the region.

In 2019, SIBE, in cooperation with KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, developed a future handbook for the banking world entitled “World without money?”. The basis for this was the extensive development of future scenarios for the financial sector in 2040 by a team of 15 experts. The scenario analysis focuses on four original and counter-intuitive scenarios: “Banking Renaissance”, “Banking without Banks”, “Finance Jungle” and “Rise of the Robots”.
In the context of the scenarios, 29 attractive opportunities were identified that banks can exploit for themselves. The opportunities range from the financial advisor in your pocket to the Trusted Data Score and the digital world currency. Based on the scenarios and opportunities, specific recommendations for action were made for the financial sector. The publication serves as a handbook for banks to position themselves robustly for the future.
What our partners say
of company representatives are satisfied to very satisfied with the SIBE study program
confirm that the program‘s assessment of the students‘ potential is good to very good
confirm a high or very high benefit regarding the employment of a SIBE student
of the students receive an offer for takeover from the company
of the alumni who accept an offer for takeover still work with their project-giving companies three years after graduation
Further information in the Employment Report
The SIBE Employment Report highlights the successes of our alumni and includes up-to-date results from the survey of company representatives from our partners. Read for yourself what alumni and company representatives have to say about our studies and convince yourself of our offers: