von Katharina Kaliayeva | 11.02.2025 | Allgemein, Bewerber, Digitalisierung, General, Innovation
Der Quantencomputer kommt nicht. Er ist schon da und wird bereits kommerziell genutzt. Soviel ist sicher. So sicher wie unser Studiengang „Dual Program Innovation Management – MBA General Management & Quantum Diploma“. Hier lernen Studierende alles, was so ein...
von Redaktion SIBE | 19.08.2020 | Digitalisierung, General
Will Corona have a lasting impact on our education system and understanding? Or will we still learn and teach in 100 years as we do today? Prof. Dr. habil. Heiko von der Gracht commented on these two core questions in an interview in the education journal Didacta. In...
von Redaktion SIBE | 26.11.2019 | Digitalisierung, General
Last Friday, November 22nd, the international scientific symposium „Leadership in a Digital World“ took place at the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart. In his opening speech, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner. G. Faix, Managing Director of SIBE and dean of the...
von Redaktion SIBE | 16.10.2018 | Alumni, Bewerber, Digitalisierung, General, MAMBA
Online studies offer a wide range of advantages to students and tutors, but they pose their own challenges that are very different from those in traditional education. First and foremost, several obvious technology-related conditions have to be fulfilled, starting...
von Redaktion SIBE | 20.09.2018 | Bewerber, Digitalisierung, General, MAMBA
In-person contact between students, lecturers and study organization is rather rare in online programs. All courses take place in online environments. To ensure smooth and effective communications as part of the exchange between these three parties, SIBE chooses...
von Redaktion SIBE | 06.09.2018 | Bewerber, Digitalisierung, General, MAMBA
Most applicants look at online study programs skeptically. Especially the lack of personal contact between students, teachers and the university is a critical factor. The School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) highly values the exchange between...
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