von Katharina Kaliayeva | 11.02.2025 | Allgemein, Bewerber, Digitalisierung, General, Innovation
Der Quantencomputer kommt nicht. Er ist schon da und wird bereits kommerziell genutzt. Soviel ist sicher. So sicher wie unser Studiengang „Dual Program Innovation Management – MBA General Management & Quantum Diploma“. Hier lernen Studierende alles, was so ein...
von Katharina Kaliayeva | 27.01.2025 | Allgemein, General
It is with deep sadness that we have to announce that our esteemed colleague, friend and mentor Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Rainer Arnold has passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. We remember him with great gratitude for everything he did for international law, for...
von Katharina Kaliayeva | 21.07.2023 | Allgemein, General, Unternehmen
Im Rahmen einer feierlichen Preisverleihung wurde die Steinbeis School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) vom Deutschen Innovationsinstitut (DIND) mit dem renommierten Preis „Arbeitgeber der Zukunft“ ausgezeichnet. Unterstützt wird die...
von Redaktion SIBE | 19.08.2020 | Digitalisierung, General
Will Corona have a lasting impact on our education system and understanding? Or will we still learn and teach in 100 years as we do today? Prof. Dr. habil. Heiko von der Gracht commented on these two core questions in an interview in the education journal Didacta. In...
von Redaktion SIBE | 03.08.2020 | General
The Springer Journal „Leadership, Education, Personality: An Interdisciplinary Journal (2020)“ has published the article „A new model for a state-of-the-art leadership education with performance as driving factor for future viability“. In the...
von Redaktion SIBE | 25.03.2020 | General
On March 19th, 19 course speakers from courses SMM175 to SMM186 met together with representatives of SIBE for an evening event. Due to the current situation, this year’s student representatives meeting took place online for the first time. In addition to...
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